The popular HCG diet has been in existence since 1954, when Dr. Simeon published his book, Pounds and Inches, outlining the radical idea that using the HCG hormone found in pregnant women could actually help people shed pounds quickly. The idea caught on, and now we have plenty of options, like drops, injections, pills or cream, to get the recommended amount of HCG we need to lose weight.

HCG Spray

For people who are serious about losing weight using the HCG method, they’ll usually turn to a medical office who will give them a weekly supply of HCG injections they can administer on their own at home. Does the idea of having to stick yourself with needles make you rethink trying out this method? You’re not alone, in fact, most people who first become interested in the diet quickly become turned off by the idea of needles.

No need to worry about injections anymore though, since the human chorionic gonadotropin nasal spray has been a popular alternative in the last few years. The HCG diet spray should only be taken by prescription, but you can easily obtain one from any local medical office that offers HCG guidance. Some online retailers are available to help you with one as well, just make sure they’re reputable and can answer all of your questions.

How Does HCG Spray Work?

With the human chorionic gonadotropin spray the hormone is absorbed through the mucous membrane of your nose, so following the directions on how to properly use the spray is paramount. Although injections are no fun, at least you know the HCG is going directly into your bloodstream, but with the spray you need to pay extra attention to how your body responds during the following days to be sure it is working as intended.

Nasal Spray

The good thing is the human chorionic gonadotropin nasal spray is easy to use, and even easier to incorporate into your daily routine. You only need to spray once per day, with most needing at least two to three sprays. You can spray this into one nostril, or split it up between the two, but you must remember not to blow your nose after, and try not to sneeze! This can be a little more difficult if it is allergy season or you have caught a cold. If this happens, spray underneath your tongue, but only for a few days.

Your medical office will show you exactly how to use the spray, in fact, they should have you do this on your first visit with them once you start the diet plan. In general you want to inject at least 12.5 mg to 18 mg per day, for your first 26 or 40 day round. Do this in the mornings, before drinking your tea or coffee, since some people notice HCG makes them experience some insomnia.

Will I Feel Hungry While Using It?

HCG Spray

Medical professionals who prescribe the HCG nasal spray for weight loss agree that it is just as effective as the injections, but also note that it can lose it’s effectiveness due to user error, or if the patient isn’t following the diet exactly as prescribed. On the HCG diet, when you use the spray correctly, you won’t feel hunger pangs from the low calorie diet, so if you are becoming very hungry during the day, you need to revisit your office to understand if or how you are misusing the spray.

If you feel that you are following the diet and still feeling hunger during the day, read the labels of all of the foods you are eating and take the list of those foods to your doctor’s office. You’d be surprised how often companies sneak oils and sugars into your foods! Normally this happens because patients feel rushed at their grocery store and pick up something that “looks” like it would be allowed. Only your doctor can pinpoint the cause of any problems you are having, so bring these concerns up to them at your next visit.

Are There Side Effects To The HCG Spray?

The best part about using the HCG spray is getting all the benefits of the injections without having to deal with needles or anything of the sort, but just like with any hormone treatment, there are side effects. In the reviews, most complaints are about headaches, needing to urinate frequently, or dry skin. There are quite a few fixes for these side effects, especially when it comes to dry skin since so many companies are now creating body lotions that fit into the HCG diet.

Does It Work?

Overall, the HCG nasal spray is a great alternative for anyone who is hesitant when it comes to starting the diet plan because it may involve injections or drops as I talk about here So if you’ve been holding off on trying the diet, here’s a great way to get in the game and reach your weight loss goals.

The spray has been shown to be very effective, incredibly simple, and fits in with our busy lifestyles easily!

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