The HCG Diet recently became one of the most popular diets in the world. Before we list some of the necessary precautions when using this type of diet, let’s briefly clarify what it stands for in the first place.

The human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone (after which the diet is named) in its regular form is produced almost exclusively by a pregnant woman by special cells which become a part of the placenta. It does exist in men and non-pregnant women also, but surely in the drastically smaller amounts.

There are several approaches and calorie-intake recommendations while following this type of eating regime, but mainly, HCG diet limits you to from 500 (the foremost and the most popular approach) to 1500 calories (the most “updated” version of it) a day for 8 weeks while taking hCG, either by getting a shot or by taking a homeopathic product, such as oral drops, pellets, or sprays, which are accessible to purchase at the store.

Once injected, hCG communicates with the hypothalamus. This key area of the brain triggers the body’s release of reserve fat, which flows into the bloodstream to boost energy while suppressing appetite. As your body burns this stored fat, you begin to lose weight. A low-calorie diet enhances the fat-burning power of hCG shots and accelerates your weight loss journey.

As with any diets out there, it is important to follow them consciously enough. Therefore, here are some of the most common mistakes that people make when sticking to HCG diet. Make sure you don’t make any of them before starting your journey with a new nutrition plan of yours!

HCG Diet Meal Plan: 5 Mistakes You Must Avoid

1. Don't try to do the HCG Diet without following a meal plan

There are many different HCG diet meal plans available, and it can be challenging to know which one is right for you. It's essential to find a plan that fits your lifestyle and stick with it. 

Dinner plate with words meal plan

A good meal plan will include a variety of foods that you enjoy and will be simple to follow. On the other hand, if your diet involves one special food or two, it's probably not going to work for very long. 

If the meal plan doesn't sound like something that would keep you from getting bored with your meals, it is likely to be boring and monotonous for most people's tastes over time. 

An HCG Diet isn’t about depriving yourself but rather nourishing and taking care of yourself by providing all essential nutrients needed daily.

Most importantly: make sure your menu includes enough calories to avoid muscle loss which could slow down the metabolism and consequently – fat burning.

Keep these and other important HCG Diet mistakes in mind when choosing a meal plan, and you will be on your way to success:

  • Don't cut out any food groups (macronutrients) from your diet completely

  • Don't stop eating entirely (or drastically cut back on it)

  • Include healthy fats in your diet

  • Avoid processed foods whenever possible

  • Drink plenty of water to stay well-hydrated

2. Don't cut out entire food groups from your diet

It's important to remember that the only food group (macronutrient) you should keep as low as possible in your diet – is carbohydrates. Any other changes in eating habits are not recommended and can actually lead to negative weight loss results. 

Moreover, many people mistakenly believe that they have to avoid all fats while on the HCG diet, but this is not the case. 

Healthy fats are an essential part of a balanced diet and really do help you to promote weight loss. Because the HCG diet is low in a calorie intake itself, it is necessary to include most common sources of healthy fat as well. Plus, avoiding certain food groups can lead to critical vitamins and minerals deficiencies.


This can potentially slow down weight loss or even cause you to gain some of the weight back pretty quickly when you come back to the “normal” nutrition plan routine. 

Another essential thing to remember is that you should continue to exercise while on the HCG diet. Exercise helps boost weight loss results, and it's an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. And this would be the exact reason why you should keep consuming healthy fats since they are the best macronutrient to saturate you, and to keep you warm and well-energized.

While, if you stop exercising, you may not see the results you're hoping for.

3. Don't eat processed foods or fast food

While this may seem like a no-brainer, it's essential to consider how many people eat fast food several times per week. This is the worst mistake you can make on any diet plan. Processed foods contain monosodium glutamate (MSG) and other preservatives that make them taste good but are terrible for your body and health in general. 

So please, do not rely on the low calorie intake itself. The fact that you’re eating less calories per day than usually does not mean that you can “let down” the quality of the food.

In addition to processed foods being bad for you, they certainly won't help with weight loss because of their lack of nutritional value.

Don’t be fooled by “Lite” or “Reduced Calorie Foods” either; these options typically have more sugar than full-fat versions, which will cause insulin levels to spike, causing increased cravings and hunger. Many processed foods are also hidden sources of unhealthy trans fats. Avoid eating fast food and processed foods on your HCG diet meal plan to help you lose weight quickly and safely. 

These foods contain unhealthy ingredients that can sabotage your weight loss goals. Instead, opt for fresh, whole foods that will provide your body with the nutrition it needs to stay healthy while you're losing weight.

4. Don't drink too much alcohol while on the HCG Diet

Alcohol can be very fattening. If you are on the HCG Diet, it is best to avoid drinking too much alcohol while dieting for weight loss.

alcoholic drinks

In addition, drinking is often associated with eating snacks or larger portions, especially when appetizers and finger foods are at parties. 

The effects of alcohol are not conducive towards weight loss goals – it is a depressant that slows down your metabolism, making losing weight more difficult. 

Alcohol can also cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels due to its sugar content (which can obviously affect how well the diet is working). 

Drinking may also cause fatigue-inducing dehydration if consumed excessively, which might slow progress further during this period where energy expenditure needs to remain high for optimal results. 

If there’s no choice to avoid alcoholic beverages at all, then try sticking to light beers or vodka with club soda and diet cranberry juice if you up to. However, once again, remember that any alcoholic beverage consumed will have calories, so it is best to actually avoid them while having a calorie-restrictive intake.

In contrast to this, while on the HCG diet you should definitely continue to drink plain water because it's healthy for your body and really able to help promote weight loss. It is known, that drinking at least six glasses of water a day is recommended. However we will add: drink water whenever you are thirsty. Don’t focus on the amount of cups per day; but focus on and be aware of your feelings. Thirsty? Drink water. Not thirsty? Simply don’t.

5. Don't ignore your cravings – find healthy ways to satisfy them!

If you're constantly denying yourself the foods you love, you're going to feel miserable – and more likely to give up on your diet altogether. So instead, try to find healthy substitutes for your favorite unhealthy snacks or work them into your meal plan in moderation. 

For example, if you can't resist chips and dip, have a few baked tortilla chips with some low-fat salsa instead of reaching for the greasy potato chips. Likewise, have a bowl of frozen fruit mixed with low-fat yogurt instead if you love ice cream. 

By healthily satisfying your cravings, you'll make it easier to stick to your diet long-term. Many HCG dieters find that they eventually don't even crave their old favorites anymore. So if you can hold off on your cravings for a few weeks, you won't even miss the unhealthy stuff! 

By doing this, you'll be able to stick with any diet plan. Rather than worrying about depriving yourself of all of your favorite foods forever, try finding substitutes that will satisfy your tastes and desires without sabotaging your weight loss efforts. 

If you also drink lots of water throughout the day, eat plenty of protein each day (at least 0.8-1 gram per kg of body weigh), and exercise regularly while taking HCG drops or injections, it's unlikely that you'll feel deprived – which means there's no reason to stray from the diet!

glasses of water with lime

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it dangerous to follow this extreme diet?

No, as long as you're following all of your nutritionist's guidelines. This includes making sure that you're eating well-balanced meals and getting high-quality calories (wholesome foods, not processed ones). 

How much does HCG Therapy cost?

This varies depending on your location. In the United States, it can range from $200 to-600 for an entire course of treatment. However, many people only need to purchase the homeopathic drops and not the injections, so make sure you ask your health care professional about this before getting started! It's important to remember that the HCG Diet is not a quick fix, though!

What are some excellent HCG Diet recipes?

There are tons of different HCG diet recipes that you can try out – everything from soups to salads to main dishes. You can find lots of great ideas online or in recipe books specifically designed for the HCG diet. Just make sure that all of your ingredients fit into the allowed food groups and limits. Also, try to avoid foods high in unsaturated fat, carbs, or sodium.


It's essential to be aware of these potential pitfalls so you can avoid them and stay on track with your goals. And to be fair, one of the most common errors people make when doing the HCG diet is not eating enough food at all. 

Diet is not there to wear you down. Any diet (or shall we say “a new way of your nutrition plan”?) is there to improve the quality of your life! Improve your food choices, eating behavior, body composition, and health condition. While, in most of the cases, diets still do require you to limit the calorie intake per day, any drastic changes are surely detrimental.

Not eating enough can sabotage your results and cause fatigue, dizziness, and headaches. So make sure you follow the meal plan as prescribed to get the best results from this program if you choose to stick to it. 

In addition, even if you don’t have a medical condition, before starting the HCG diet you have to consult with your health practitioner. This is also OF COURSE true if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

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My Top 7 Super Tasty HCG Diet Recipes You Can Make In Under 30 Minutes!